January 2019

Reaffirmation of baptism - Remembering our Baptism

Not all of us remember our baptism. Many of us were baptized as infants where parents and the community promised to lead us on our journey into discipleship with Jesus. Others among us do remember our baptism but rarely think of it as a continuing reality in our lives.

The second Sunday of each new calendar year is traditionally the day we remember Jesus’ baptism. In the Presbyterian and other traditions this has become the day to identify with Jesus’ baptism by remembering and celebrating our own baptism. On January 13th during our worship service Plum Creek will celebrate God’s words on the wings of the dove, “You are my Beloved, in whom I am well pleased.” These words spoken to Jesus, who identified with us in every way, also belong to us.

The congregation will remember the promises made at our baptism or promises to be made at our baptism, by coming forward to the baptismal font to receive a symbol of the reaffirmation of baptism and the sign of the cross. The symbols placed in the font will be small glass beads to be placed in each hand to remind each of you that you are God’s own forever.

This is a new liturgy for our faith community, but a sincere and loving one practiced by many churches around the world. Frequent reminders of God’s active presence, abiding presence, in our lives energize and uplift Jesus’ Church!

All who came forward heard God’s affirmation: Child of the Covenant, live into your baptism.

A HEALING CONVERSATION - JANUARY 27, immediately following the worship service

Our Session is aware that the past 12 months have brought many changes to our church. Session has the benefit of processing some of the changes together. Noticing change causes one to wonder, so having a safe space to notice and wonder brings healthy growth, even when the noticing and wondering hurts. This healing can be assisted by a healthy conversation.

Our Session has set aside Sunday January 27th for an opportunity to discuss the events of the past year. On the 27th a packet of yet to be approved congregational minutes will be on handed out for preview. These minutes will not be approved until the annual meeting, but may rise some painful memories. The conversation may be a way to share concerns, hopes, dreams, and fears. Session and Pastor Jane will lead the conversation which will end with a brief healing liturgy and prayer. Session members will be available to pray individually with you as well.


Wednesday afternoon Bible Study, Wednesdays at 1:00 - Andrew Murray’s Abiding In Christ

Un-Decorating the Sanctuary Party - Saturday January 5, 9:00

Officer Training for new Deacons and Elders - Saturday January 5, 10:00 am

Chili Lunch - Sunday, January 20 after worship, in the social hall

Soup Sale - February 10, in the social hall

Ash Wednesday Service with imposition of ashes - March 6 at 7:00 pm


The New Year is upon us
E& F and Soup Team have a lot to discuss

We want the year to be filled with laughter and fund,
our calendar of events will include everyone.

Tod start things off . . .
we’ll have our Annual Chili Cook-off

In May we are planning a Victorian Women’s Tea,
this will be an afternoon of fun, that we guarantee!

Reaching out to the community is what we do best,
Helping with the Rummage Sale and Strawberry Festival . . . Where so many are blessed.

The Soup Team is ready to roll out a new batch,
soups, jams and applesauce all made from scratch.

Food trucks are all the craze, so some Sunday after worship,
tacos to waffles, smoothies to teas, sit awhile, what a great time for fellowship.

Trunk or Treat to Gingerbread building, see the faces of all the children,
their smiles say it all, they’re worth a million.

We’ve come full circle and there’s more surprises in store,
you’ll have to read the “Caller” each month to find out more.

Thank you for your support over the last year,
each and everyone of you are so dear.

Your E&F Committee, with love

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