September 2020

New Normal - a Hybrid church

Our hybrid church services incorporate those who attend in person and those who attend online, either through Facebook or on the website. Thank you for adapting to being Jesus’ Church in a new way. You are brave and creative.

Our in-person attendance averages around 30 or more people. Our online attendance is around 20, plus those who check out the weekly recording on our website. We ‘see’ you and we love you. We invite Facebook users to send a ‘like’, wave, or ‘hello’ so we can include their attendance. In short YOU are making a hybrid services successful! Thank you!

We have not yet ironed out all technical wrinkles, but we are constantly trying, learning, and appreciate your patience.

Pastoral visits are resuming. I wear a mask for all visits, I will not extend the hand of fellowship but will offer a prayerful bow. My goal in visitation is not to leave any fingerprints but I can pray with you, listen, read scripture, share communion, and exchange the peace of Christ with eye-smiles. Please call the office if you would like a visit. I would love to come and see you!

New Wednesday evening Bible study begins on Wednesday, September 16th via zoom. The new study is on the Minor Prophets: Hosea, Amos, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Jonah, Obadiah, and Joel. The class begins at 6:30 and ends at 7:30. Each prophet will be introduced in his setting, then what he said to Israel and why will be explored along with what speaks to our hearts for our call to faithfulness today.

The weekly zoom link will be emailed so please let me know if you are interested in attending.

The Sunday morning Psalms class is undergoing a revisioning. I am convinced reading the Psalms is a fabulous way to learn to talk to and listen to God in prayer, frustration, joy, praise, and penance. With the advent of a new Confirmation class (see below) the 9:00 hour on Sunday will be full. I will let you know how are reading of the Psalms will begin again. It may begin on Facebook.

Wednesday afternoon Bible study continues at 1:00 meeting in the library. Please bring a mask, but as long as we keep good social distancing, we can remove our mask. Our current study is the book of Ruth with the wonderful by-line: ‘loving God enough to break the rules.’

Your Christian Formation committee has some exciting announcements about new ministry, so please keep reading.

It is a new day and a thrilling day to be the Church of Jesus Christ at Plum Creek.  Jane

NEW - Plum Creek’s Safe Center for Online Learning

As local school districts are planning for the upcoming school year, families are having to make tough decisions about what schooling in a pandemic will look like for their children. Recognizing a need for a safe space for students to learn online, Plum Creek will offer a Safe Center for Online Learning (SCOL) to our local families.

Students in grades 1-6 who are enrolled in their school’s online or hybrid programs will be able to come into the church and work on their school responsibilities under the supervision of program staff. They must bring their own devices, supplies, and lunch each day of the program.

After completing their work for the day, students will have the opportunity to participate in Stimulating Active Thinking activities. These activities will be designed by staff to be fun and engaging. This program will focus on STEM, nature, and arts activities to enrich students’ time after schoolwork. For example, students could work to create a hovercraft, explore macroinvertebrates in the creek, or try new painting techniques.

Students and staff will be expected to wear masks and follow COVID-19 safety screenings and procedures. Enrollment would be limited to allow for social distancing and small groups will be established to mitigate possible transmission. Safety will be our number one priority.

More information about dates and pricing can be found on the website:


Rally day is set for Sunday, September 13 at 9am on Zoom! Our children’s class will begin the year reading through the Growing in God’s Word Story Bible. We’ll take time to play, learn, and grow in community together. A weekly email will be sent to parents with information about the upcoming class and links for our Zoom gathering. Sunday school will end at 9:40 to allow time for families to prepare for worship at 10am. During worship, we’ll take time to bless the backpacks, devices and masks that will be central to our students’ online and hybrid learning this year. We look forward to gathering together again!

CONFIRMATION 2020 – 2021

Christian Formation Committee will begin a new Confirmation class on September 13th. We will begin via zoom meetings then move to in-person when it is safe to do so. Confirmation is a time to consider what the church is and what personal faith looks like. It is open to 6th graders to 9th graders.

Pastor Jane and one adult volunteer will lead all classes. Each session will begin at 9:00 on Sunday mornings and end by 9:40. Sessions will include discussion, see below for some examples, and virtual challenges. When we begin meeting in person Confirmands (the new word for them will be Confirpeople) will spend a lot of time in the hall with lively discussion or playing together.

If meeting in person is no longer permitted or wise this class will easily transition back to zoom sessions.

The first semester is outlined below. In addition confirpeople will:

·         Attend Sunday services in person or online.

·         Be prepared to discuss what the preacher said and could have said.

·         Volunteer as an usher, liturgist, or on the media team.

·         Attend other church services either in person with a parent or via a church website.

·         Help prepare communion elements with a WAM member.

·         Participate in a local mission project.

·         Participate in a service project of their choice.

·         Write a statement of faith, then sit with it for a matter of months to let it settle in and/or grow.

Extra activity possibilities: team building skills, low ropes, challenge course, climbing wall, zip line, Presbytery confirmation activities. Please register with Faith or Pastor Jane.

A sample schedule for Confirmation:

Session 1: What is Confirmation?

The biblical concept of covenant loyalty is introduced in relation to the practice of Confirmation. Because God has been loyal/faithful to us, we are called to be loyal/faithful to God. Confirmation calls us to make specific promises to God, ourselves, and the church.

Session 2: How Do We Know and Trust God?

When God calls us to covenant loyalty, God calls us to trust. When we understand how God has acted in the past and promises to act today and tomorrow, we can trust in God’s promises even in the face of uncertainty.

Session 3: What is Sin and How Do We Turn from It?

If we have organized our lives around anything other than God, then our hearts are sinful. We do things that break God’s heart, hurt other people, and damage God’s creation. We even hurt ourselves. We are called to work in the world against sin and evil to transform society in gratitude for God’s grace and mercy.

Session 4: Who is Your Lord?

To claim Jesus Christ as Lord is one way we express trust in the gracious mercy of God. God sent Jesus to human beings to show us how to live in loyalty to Jesus (Jesus is Lord). As Presbyterians we affirm the Lordship of Jesus Christ so that nothing else in the world can claim lordship in our lives.

Session 5: Who is Your Savior?

Humans are utterly dependent on the triune God for their salvation. Jesus Christ crucified is the only Savior and Lord, and all people everywhere are called to place their faith, hope, and love in him.

Session 6: What Does It Mean to Be a Disciple of Jesus?

Jesus Christ is not asking to be a part of your life. He is asking to be your life. Even today the church and the believer are called to answer the question, “How do we faithfully obey Christ’s word”?

Session 7: What Does It Mean to Show Christ’s Love?

Jesus Christ taught his followers that to serve the least in the world was to serve him. We continue to make significant connections between affirming Jesus’ love for us and our call to show Jesus’ love to our neighbors, near and far.

Session 8: Will You Devote Yourself to the Church’s Teaching?

We devote ourselves to the study of the Scriptures and the teachings of the church (doctrine) as part of the church’s ongoing commitment to “faith seeking understanding.” In so doing, we come to understand more fully the nature of the faith we profess in baptism and at Confirmation. Study of the Apostles’ Creed is a further step toward professing the faith.

Session 9: Will You Devote Yourself to the Church’s Fellowship?

As Presbyterians, we know that every person has a place and purpose in the body of Christ. Our different gifts find purpose when we work together in service.

Session 10: Will you Devote Yourself to the Breaking of Bread?

Jesus shared many meals with his followers, breaking bread to feed the hungry, to welcome the outcast, and to assure the disciples of his abiding presence among them. Table fellowship was at the center of the church’s first crisis—how could Jewish and Gentile followers of Jesus sit at a table and eat together?

Session 11: Will You Practice Prayer?

Prayer focuses our attention on God and away from ourselves. When that happens, we open our hearts to God to become active in our lives, seeking justice for all humanity.

Session 12: Are You Ready to Cross Over?

The Confirmation class culminates with a water crossing—Joshua and the Jordan, and Jesus and the baptism of his death and resurrection. Crossings are lifted up as important transitions in life and in the life of faith, especially for young people at their Confirmation.

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