March 2023
Looking forward into 2023
Session has approved a New Member Orientation Class that will meet on Sunday mornings from 9:00 am-9:45 am on five consecutive Sundays. The class structure is as follows:
Session 1: What does it mean to be Presbyterian Part 1 – Book of Confession
Session 2: What does it mean to be Presbyterian Part 2 – Book of Order
Session 3: What does it mean to be a member of The Presbyterian Church of Plum Creek
Session 4: Meeting with one or two current members to discuss why they are members here and briefly share their experiences. Answer any questions that the new member orientation class has for them.
Session 5: What steps remain should I decide to become a member
of The Presbyterian Church of Plum Creek.
If you are interested in finding out more about what it means to be Presbyterian, or you want to consider membership here at Plum Creek and want to know more about what you would be getting into, contact the church office to express interest in these sessions. They last 45 minutes each and are an introduction, not an in-depth discussion. They begin at 9:00 am, the Sunday School hour, at the church.
Just a reminder that our Lenten Bible Study will begin on February 28, from about 5:30 pm with a light meal and fellowship and moves into an hour-long study. If you want to attend, or just follow along, copies of Meeting Jesus at the Table by Cynthia M. Campbell and Christine Coy Fohr are available for the taking in the church office. Just ask either Kathy or Sara for a copy. If you prefer, a Kindle version of the book will be available from Amazon on March 1.
Lent 2023
As we approach Ash Wednesday, February 22 this year, our thoughts turn to the question of what we are going to give up, what are we going to sacrifice for Lent. My thoughts turn in a different direction. I start to think about where I am going to go to get the best fish sandwiches! I don’t think of eating a fish sandwich as giving up red meat on Fridays, I think of it as taking advantage of a great fish sandwich that is only available on Fridays during Lent.
Is that what Lent is all about? The Book of Common Worship identifies the origins of “Lent” as coming from an old English word for springtime, perhaps connected with the lengthening of days in this time of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. When we think of the lengthening of days, our minds quickly turn to thought of Spring and the warmer weather that it brings. And with that warmer weather, we look forward to seeing new shoots of green growth sprouting from the ground. The season of Lent in the church is a time for growing as well. It can be a time of concentrated preparation in commemoration of the dying and rising of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many of the older among us may recall this season as a time of preparation for new church members and candidates for Baptism or Confirmation. It provides a time for us to consider the symbolism that is contained in the sacrament of Baptism. In the water of baptism, we are cleansed from sin by the washing of the water. We die to sin by being immersed in water (or sprinkled with it! God doesn’t need to have much to work with to perform a miracle.) and we rise again to a new life with Jesus. In this way baptism reminds us of Jesus’ baptism and His death on the cross to defeat sin for us. As we rise from, or dry off from, the water of baptism we are reminded of Christ’s resurrection and His defeat of death for us. All He requires, is for us to believe in Him, and Jesus will give us a drink from the Living Water that only He can provide.
Whether we are preparing for confirmation, new membership, baptism, or even remembering our own baptism, the season of Lent is a time for us to refocus our lives on Jesus! Repent for the kingdom of God is near! Perhaps we can give up a little self-time for Lent. That time can be used to prepare ourselves to receive the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ!
To God be the Glory!
Pastor Frank Hancock
Office: (412) 793-4525
Cell Phone: (412) 860-3719 – Please feel free to leave a message.
I so want to express my gratitude for the beautiful dinner to honor my retirement. The party, decorations, cards, notes, and gifts touched me greatly. You are all so special to me and always will be. I certainly felt your love this last Saturday night!
I did take the opportunity to say a few words at the dinner to express my appreciation for everything over the last 22 years. For those who weren’t here, the following is a synopsis of what I said:
I am so grateful for the last 22 years at Plum Creek. It has truly been a blessing for me and my family. So much has changed since, I was called to this job on January 3, 2001. Jim was in medical sales, Sarah was in 1st grade, September 11 hadn’t happened, and I was 42 years old!! My kids grew up, I am now a grandparent, married to a minister, and life continues to change.
This church has blessed us in so many ways. I would like to recall a few of the ways that Plum Creek has supported and helped us.
1. I was given benefits upon being hired. That gave me and my family health care. The importance of that is it enabled Jim to quit full-time work and attend Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. God and this church certainly had a hand in that.
2. As my family changed, Plum Creek has been most gracious allowing me to work and still meet the needs of my family. You let me adjust my hours many times over the years to enable me to be with my children and, most recently, with my grandchildren.
3. Finally, the friendships I have here will never be gone. I value each minute we have spent talking, crying, laughing and sharing our lives.
Plum Creek has gone through lots of changes in the last 22 years. I worked with 14 different Christian Ed and Youth people, 11 different music people, 5 different cleaning people/services and last, but certainly not least, 5 different pastors – all 5 unique in their own special way! So lots of changes over the years, but I have also been blessed by each of those different employees.
So, going forward-I won’t be here every week but I will still be around. I will try to come to some of your events and will definitely stay in touch. No matter where I am, Plum Creek will ALWAYS be my home church. I was baptized here, met my spouse here, was married here, my children were baptized and confirmed here, Jim was ordained as a minister here and all of my deceased family members had their funerals here. This is home and always will be.
I just wanted to say to you that God has you in His hands. That is clear to me. Things will continue to change and although sometimes hard, know it is good. Know that you are all special children of God and that this church and you impacted my life in a very good way.
Thank you so much and I love you all.
Kathy Kirk Soon to be retired Business Administrator!