November 2018
I am deeply grateful, #Gratitude, for the extra effort E&F put in to make the ministries at Plum Creek shine during the Light Up Plum Creek night.
Their witness of gracious welcome was felt by all, especially those who have left the church and discovered (or relearned) that we belong to the same body of Christ, the same Church of Jesus Christ no matter where we worship on Sunday.
I am deeply grateful, #Gratitude, for the warm welcome given to all who participated in the Gingerbread making event.
I am deeply grateful to the crew of the Living Nativity: set up, support, characters, storytellers, bakers, tax collectors & soldier, and greeters. Your gracious welcome warmed an otherwise chilly night. Your willingness to be the Nativity Story in action allowed over 300 people to walk where Mary and Joseph walked. Advent is their season and the Living Nativity is their story. Your participation in that story, both portrayed and lived is the Gospel of Jesus Christ in action.