October 2018


Church is a place where we emphasize knowing God. We encourage worship, prayer, contemplation, and Bible study all in the hope that these practices will lead us into a deeper knowledge of God and each other. In church you, individually and collectively, are special,

God’s beloved; our beloved.

Church is where fellowship turns into mutual support and the touch of the Holy Spirit. Church is an experience of community and being known, by name. You do not need tickets to get into church. No one has reserved your seat, nor have you paid for a reservation. You need tickets for large events where promoters do not care about your identity (other than selling more tickets). Promoters care about your payment adding to profit. Your seat or space may go empty and they may resell your seat. Your identity is meaningless.

Your church at Plum Creek will notice if your seat is empty. Your church is a community of welcome and grace where the glory of God is celebrated and, quite frankly so are you. Your church seeks to bless you and God’s kindom (‘kin’ as in relationships vs. a kingdom sovereignty) through ministry and mission. No tickets needed. Our relationships with God and with each other are free, given not sold. Glory to God!

It’s a new day at the Presbyterian Church of Plum Creek and stewardship has a new face: yours. We are in the midst of rebuilding and re-networking at Plum Creek. On this new day of stewardship, we, your stewards of mission on session, ask a couple of questions. Will you help us be accountable with the funds you designate toward the ministry at Plum Creek? Will you look deep and see if you trust your leadership to manage funds that make ministry and mission come to life at Plum Creek? There is a character analysis embedded in stewardship. The analysis is based on trust.

Your church leadership: committees, deacons, and session pray over our vision for bringing God’s word alive through our faith community. We dream of simple things: growing your children into disciples, growing your faith in Jesus step by step, sharing the love of God through pastoral care and mission around the world.

The question is: do you support the ministry and mission of PCPC? Could you, or would you, advise someone to trust their donation to this church? Could you, would you, trust your elders and deacons to turn your donations into ministry?

To God be the glory in the Church, through you!


NEW MEMBERS INQUIRY – Saturday November 3rd from 9:30 to noon. No reservation is required! Come as you are. A continental breakfast will be ready for you. Evangelism & Fellowship

TRUNK OR TREAT! – Saturday, October 27 in the Pavilion

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